31#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
34#elif defined(PARTICLE)
This file contains the EEPROMBase<T> definition.
Base class to wrap an EEPROM variable.
void write(T const &value) const
Write the value to the EEPROM using the address in this instance.
T read() const
Read the variable value from the EEPROM using the address in this variable.
Provides direct access to an EEPROM variable.
EEPROMStorage(const uint address, T defaultValue)
Initialize an instance of EEPROMBase with the specified address and default value.
EEPROMStorage(const uint address)
Initialize an instance of EEPROMStorage<T> with the specified address.
T get() const
Get the variable value.
T set(T const &value)
Set the variable value.
EEPROMStorage< T > & operator=(T const &value)
Allows assignment of a variable of type T value to be this instance's value.